How to Add Flavor to BBQ Food with Knotty Wood Pellets

home depot wood pellets

With warmer weather just around the corner (unless you are a hardcore griller who ignores the cold, wind, and rain), many homeowner’s thoughts are starting to turn toward the beautiful prospect of weekend BBQs with family and friends! You’ve got the weather, you’ve got the company, you’ve got a variety of meats and vegetables ready to go and the salad is made. Now all that is left to do is find the perfect wood pellets and techniques to ensure that your burgers, steaks, chicken, and corn cook up perfectly every single time. Here is some handy advice for how to add flavor to BBQ food with Knotty Wood pellets.

The Sprinkle Method

This method is ideal for a charcoal grill setup, and all you need to do is sprinkle a large handful of the pellets across your hot coals to get them going. When they have been liberally sprinkled all over, close the lid to allow the pellets to start smoking to their full potential, but not to the point where they begin to flame. Throw the meat of your choice onto the BBQ and once it has reached its desired internal temperature, you are ready to eat!

The Pan Method

Find a small to medium-sized baking pan in your kitchen and proceed to fill it up to about a third of its volume with the BBQ wood pellets of your choice. Cover the pan with foil and poke a few small holes in the middle of the covering with a sharp knife. You should then place this foiled pan on top of your coals in a good heat spot on your grill. Once again, close the lid to allow the pellets to start smoking without beginning to flame. Once your chosen meat has reached its recommended internal temperature, it’s time to get the feast going!

The Foil Pouch Method

This method is achieved by folding up a large handful of your chosen pellets in a sheet of aluminum foil and then crimping everything up to seal at the edges. Again, poke a few small holes in the foil using a sharp knife and then proceed to place the pouch on or near your coals.

home depot wood pellets

Smoker Tubes

If you want to go the extra mile in terms of your BBQ accessories and gadgets, then there are also a number of specially designed stainless steel attachments in which pellets can be placed and left to smoke without any risk of flaming for up to 5 hours.

If you are in need of a certain amount of Knotty Wood pellets for fulfilling some new BBQ ambitions, then don’t hesitate to seek them out at a reputable establishment like the Knotty Wood Barbeque Company. Browse our website to see everything that we have on offer, and feel free to contact any member of our team who will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to being able to improve your BBQ experiences and making your grilled food the talk of the neighborhood!

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