Almond Wine Smoked Brie

almond wine smoked brie

Almond Wine Smoked Brie


  • 8 oz Brie Cheese
  • Dried Blueberries
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Dried Apricots (chopped)
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Walnuts (chopped)
  • Fig jam
  • Knotty Wood Honey
  • Knotty Wood Almond Cabernet Wine Blend Pellets

almond wine smoked brie


  1. Fill up your hopper with Almond Cabernet Wine Blend pellets and preheat your smoker to 350 F.
  2. Cut out the center of the brie cheese, about 2 inches down.
  3. Add to the hole that was cut in the center of the cheese the fig jam, and dried fruit, and top that with the chopped nuts.
  4. Drizzle Knotty Wood Honey over the top of the cheese and put it into the preheated smoker.
  5. Cook for 20-25 minutes until the cheese is soft and melted.
  6. Serve with crackers or bread and enjoy!


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