Have you been looking for the best recipes for the big game? With a big sporting event about to happen, do you want the kinds of foods that will keep everyone satisfied no matter what the final score is? Regardless of whether “the big game” is the Super Bowl, March Madness, backyard football, playing catch with your pooch, or everything in between, these recipes hit the mark. Cooking them with almond wood pellets helps, too.
Poppers That Pop Off
To make the best jalapeno poppers, you need the best ingredients. That includes the best wood pellets, of course, as well as jalapenos. But, we’ve found that these work best with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, bacon, our Knotty Rub, as well as a 50/50 blend of our almond as well as plum wood pellets. These are perfect for tailgating as folks can eat them with their fingers as well as a fork or even spoon (if you’re careful).
Drumsticks Go the Distance
Drumsticks are one of those comfort foods that are perfect before, during, and after a game. Before a game, they’re easy to eat with your hands, during, you can do the same (in case you have to stand up very quickly to cheer) and even after, too. What sets our particular drumstick recipe apart is: coating them in olive oil and then covering them in our Knotty Rub. Keys to the game: be sure to flip the drumsticks halfway through cooking. That way, they get evenly browned on both sides.
Steak Bites Perform Anytime Throughout Any Game
Steak bites can be a fantastic appetizer before kick-off/tip-off/puck drop/first pitch, etc. But, they can also serve as a main course, too. Steak bites make for a fine victory dinner or something to look forward to should the game not break your way. The star ingredients for our Steak Bite recipe are, of course, the wood pellets. That said, important supporting roles are played by garlic salt, ground black pepper, and beef tallow. All of those, working in tandem, can make for a meal that’s a winner no matter what.
Almond Wood Pellets for Practically Any Recipe
One thing that you may have noticed about each of those recipes at our site: is the wood pellets. Regardless of the pellet smoker that you’re using, our wood pellets can make just about any meal that much better. Almond pellets are one of our most popular, but, for many of these recipes, you’ll find that the best, most delightful taste comes from having a mix of those as well as our plum pellets. To purchase them before the next big event, you can go through our site or you can do so through the Home Depot’s site.
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